
'in the history of modern and aesthetics, the fragment has had double signification. As a reminder of the past once whole but now fractured and broken, as a demonstration of the implacable effects of time and the ravages of nature, it has taken on the cannotations of mostalgia and melancholy, even of history itself. As an incomplete piece of a potentially complete whole, it has pointed towards a possible world of harmony in the future, a utopia perhaps, taht it both represents and constructs.'

Anthony Vilder, Warped Space, Art, Architecture, and Anxiety in Modern Culture. CAmb. MIT press, 2000.

17 Mart 2010 Çarşamba

UYKUsuz, 23.03.2010

'atölye: ev işleri '

aslı şener içinsel, burcu serdar köknar, candan çınar, didem ateş mendi, hayriye sözen, tomris akın

23 mart salı, 17.30
taşkışla, 134

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